
Archive for the ‘Memes’ Category

Alphabet Meme

I lifted this meme for a rainy day (even though it isn’t rainy today). Try it yourself. Kind of fun.

The Alphabet Tag. Here goes:

Attached or single? Attached to a few in many ways. Attached to my kids. I will never be “single”. Will always be part of a trio. Attached as in, a guy? Well, yeah, I guess I am becoming that.

Best friend? D. He’s hot. He’s gay. He can cook and decorate and will drink all night with me.

Cake or Pie? Pie. Plum pie.

Day of Choice? Saturday. I love Saturday mornings in the winter. Weekend just started. Still got Sunday morning ahead.

Essential Item? Coffee. Good coffee. And half and half. And sugar. Bundled together, a good cup of coffee.

Favorite color? Turquoise Blue

Gummy bears or worms? You get more gummy out of the worm. So worms.

Hometown? Southern Cal. Now New England.

Indulgence? Candy and tv.

January or July? July. The beach. Beer. BBQs. Vacation. Windows open.

Kids? Two. Red and Blue.

Life isn’t complete…. without sex.

Marriage Date? I can’t remember!!! June something. I was officially divorced on January 31st, 2006.

Number of Brothers and Sisters? 1 older sister

Oranges or Apples? Oranges. I like juicy. But if it has to be apples, I choose Fuji.

Phobias? Driving in the city. Walking into a room of people I don’t know and sitting down and hanging out. The dark.

Quote? Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others. -Cicero

Reasons to Smile? When there is peace around.

Season of Choice? Summer. All the way.

Type of bed? handmade from Gardner Mattress

Unknown Fact? I hate talking on the phone. I prefer in person or by email.

Vegetable? Broccolini

Worst habits? Blowing my nose in the shower

XRay or Ultrasound? Ultrasound (I don’t really get this question so I just picked at random)

Your favorite food? Pizza with a beer

Zodiac sign? Taurus

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