
Archive for September 28th, 2008

I’ve been feeling a little guilty, having 5 days a week to myself to work and work out and have lunch and clean my house and not making plans to hang with my mom.

I have issues with my mom. Don’t we all, to a point?

Anyway, my issues are probably normal and the way I deal with them is to get together with her in situations that I can handle. For instance…I will never ever ever let her drive. My mother has road rage. And she floors it and then brakes really quick…on the highway. It sucks. All while yelling at other drivers and blasting Celine Dion through her stereo.

I decided that this afternoon after the girls went off with their dad for the night, and Piano Man left to drive north to play in a daytime brunch gig, might be a good time to call my mom and see if we should get together.

I let her pick the movie. 

So we saw “Nights in Rodanthne.”

I knew nothing about it before we went, except that Diane Lane was in it.

I love Diane Lane.

In this, Diane Lane sucked.

As usual, so did Richard Gere.

The whole movie, I felt embarrassed. Talk about cheese-ball. I couldn’t understand the ladies crying as the movie ended. So, all in all, it was horrible. And for once, my mother and I agreed on something.

Embarrassing Movie ended and we went to Trader Joes. There, I saw a guy who is an incredible singer and guitar player…Piano Man and I had gone to see him play recently. I SO badly wanted to do the whole “fan club” thing and go start chatting, but I decided to spare him. And save myself. But it was cool to see him shopping like us regular people. At Trader Joes!

So now, my date with my mother is over. I managed to get out without a discussion about politics and taxes and how I wear my makeup.

It’s been raining for THREE WHOLE DAYS and I am going to scream tomorrow if it doesn’t stop. It’s starting to grate on me like fingernails on a chalkboard. 

And now I am going to finish up a painting for my art show this weekend. 5 days to go. A shitload to do.

But for now, I am doing one last thing to pamper and relax before I get going with the week again.

Indulging a bit.

Nothing like a face mask, malt balls and Australian black licorice.

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